By triggering Article 50, Theresa May start Brexit process

Brexit is a hotly and controversial referendum these days. And the breaking news is that the UK Prime Minister, Theresesa May has kick-started the Brexit process when triggering Article 50. So we are gonna see Britain to leave the European Union in 2-year-time.

Britain to leave the EU

It was reported that the PM had signed the letter to trigger Article 50 tomorrow then starting negotiations for the UK to leave the EU. 

On Wednesday, the UK Prime Miniter, Theresa May will stand to deliver a statement to the House of Commons to confirm that the Brexit process has begun. So if no deal is reached, the UK will effectively leave the union on March 29, 2019.

How much will Brexit cost the UK?

According to the survey by IHS Markit, only 29% of British households believe leaving the EU will be good for the UK's economy. The EU is the UK's biggest trading partner, and experts have warned that it may take more than two years to come up with a fresh trade deal.
European Council President Tusk is expected to issue a short statement upon receipt of May's letter, but it is expected he will wait until Friday to make a full response.
May also warned: EU will not be intimidated over Brexit, She spoke to Merkel, Tusk and Juncker by phone Tuesday, a day ahead of the official notification.
In separate calls, the four "agreed on the importance of entering into negotiations in a constructive and positive spirit, and of ensuring a smooth and orderly exit process," 
"They agreed that a strong EU was in everyone's interests and that the UK would remain a close and committed ally,"

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